Today I realized that other people really bore me. At least some of them do. I found myself at dinner with four other women, one of which is my roommate. I like her. The other three were the most self-absorbed, banal housewife types that I literally had nothing to say to them, nor they to me. We may as well have been at separate tables.
One of them is getting divorced after something like three years of marriage. And it amazes me how little it seems to bother her that not so long ago she said "till death do us part" and now she's sending out the signal for every man to steer clear because she just wants to be alone. Admittedly, I don't know anything about her or her marriage. But it seems like three years is pretty fast for something that is supposed to last forever to deteriorate into nothing. But then, I have things deteriorate into nothing in much less time than that, so I shouldn't be talking.
The other is obsessed with her kids, and of course pulled out pictures, which I think is one of the MOST annoying things a parent can possibly do. The second most annoying thing is to tell people about the "cute" things said children do all the time. Here's a hint: no one thinks your kids are as cute as you do. Don't ask, don't tell.
The last was an obnoxious woman that seems to have her whole life planned out like a retirement plan. Marry in maybe two years, have a kid in five, blah, blah, blah. Please. When you can sit and talk about love like you mean it, then I'll pay attention when you talk about kids and marriage. When you talk about it as if it's a savings account, I don't give a shit. Plus, I feel sorry for your man because you seem so glib and disingenuous about your feelings for him. I don't see any affection in your eyes when you talk about him. He may as well be a car.
I guess the last thing that really bothers me about these women is that they have no idea how lucky they are. Sitting at the same table are two other woman who are single, with no kids, and no divorces. Not that they would care though, since they never bothered to ask either one of us about ourselves. So they don't know that when they talk about these things, it's extremely annoying. It's like a rich person always talking about stuff they buy to people who struggle to make a living.
So I found myself making secret pacts with myself as I listened to these women. The first was to never hang out with them again. If I ever do have kids, I will not carry their pictures around in my wallet, and I will not insist that everything they do is adorable. I will also not talk about them unless asked, and even then I will keep it short and sweet. I will NEVER talk about marriage as something I am ready or not ready for, regardless of whether or not I am in love. I am a firm believer that it doesn't matter how long two people have known each other; love dictates its own rules and schedules. And the best way to make decisions is to honor what's in your heart. I will never "plan" to have kids. As in "I think I'll have one in two years." Bullshit. You want one, have one. Don't talk about it. That's annoying. It's not like buying a house for gods sake. I will try to show interest in the lives of others. Granted, I made a noble effort today, but it's difficult to care about what someone is saying when A. it's total "I'm an Independent Woman" bullshit and B. there's no reciprocation. I will try to always reciprocate. Isn't that what people learn in Ettiquette 101? I will always tip the waitress 20%. These cheap bitches think 15% is ok. Little do they know how annoying they are, and how late the waitress had to stay because they wanted to sit and "chat". I think I have the lowest paying job of all of them, and here I am, tipping way more than my share to make up for their miserly housewifish scrimping. God I hate "grown" women.