Secrets and Lies

Not everything in here is true, but it is based on real events.

Location: Southern California

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Vacuum Drivers

I just saw a commercial for a vacuum cleaner. Nothing special, except for that at the bottom of the screen (in what most people consider to be the fine print) it said "Shown on a closed course with a professional driver". What? It looked just like any other vacuum commercial, showing it picking up random stuff under coffee tables and so forth. Is there really a group of professional vacuum cleaner drivers out there? Do they have a union? Higher medical insurance? (I'm sure the physical danger is high)

Just a thought.


Rebecca, Sumter SC says about the inauguration (on "Too much. This is an inauguration, not the Super Bowl." Umm...Exactly! The superbowl can suck it. I have zero interest in the superbowl, mainly because it has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with ANYTHING. Sure, I like sports, but they have no bearing on my right to choose, my job, my income, my rights, my country, or the world. The superbowl is meaningless compared to the inauguration. My guess is that this Rebecca person is white, fat, and most likely was lucky to graduate from high school. She probably voted for the college dropout both times he wasn't elected and thinks that cocktail weenies on toothpicks are the height of sophistication. But the sad truth is, I'm sure there are a lot of people who do care about watching a bunch of overpaid criminals and dropouts smash each other's faces into the grass so they can lift a giant glass football above their heads just for one minute before it goes into a glass case forever.

I have to admit, I've never watched an inauguration before. For the last 8 years I was too heartbroken and afraid to even think about it. But now, with the country effectively crippled by the fundamentalist crackpot 'ideas' of a good ol' boy who had the good sense to use his money and his power for nothing more than getting more money and more power for himself, there is someone who proudly stands up and speaks about unity, family values (not the kind that regulate women's bodies and ban homosexuals), community, and togetherness and I almost feel like I'm in kindergarten again. Or at least that someone never forgot about the stuff we learned in kindergarten. I have high hopes that this new president can reverse the cycle of greed and selfishness that have plagued this country for far too long and bring back the spirit of goodwill that makes a country strong and its people good citizens.

So, Rebecca, you stupid football-watching, catatonic, drooling, non-thinking whore, yes. It IS the inauguration, not the superbowl. Give the leader of the free world the respect he deserves.