Haven't spoken to the old boy. However, my mom asked me what I was doing for Halloween, and I said nothing. She said "You two (referring to him) should get together and watch some scary movies." Jeezus Mom, let it go. You met him once. Over two years ago. And he has a "girlfriend" when he feels like it and has been a huge a-hole to me since his mom got out of the hospital. When things are fine, I don't matter. But what else is new? That's the way of it. He's not the only one to treat me that way.
On a side note, his girl is claiming that her costume is a 'sexy cowgirl'. Wouldn't that mean that she would have to be sexy to start? She might be a cow and a girl, but sexy is something she is not. I've seen the costume on a truly sexy woman. She was blonde and training to be a firefighter. She had a flat stomach and hot legs. This girl is not even close. She has cankles. It almost makes me want to throw up to think of her in anything 'sexy'. The less skin she shows, the better. Maybe I'll suggest next year's costume is as a Yemenese woman. Full Burka. Save us all the trouble. I want to throw up from too much alcohol, not her pasty grossness. At least when I say I'm going as something sexy, it's the truth. Penalties for lying should be much worse than they are. Seriously.
So anyway, my relationship is in question. I'm not sure what the deal is. Truth be told, I'm struggling a little bit with the idea of not being single. Old habits, you know. I'm also struggling with school. I don't want to be there. I don't care about it. My job is great, but I don't make enough money to live. On the upside, I really am going to Havana. Maybe I'll find a hot Brazilian to make me wish I never have to leave the island. And give me drinks and feed me things wrapped in banana leaves and dance the mambo or samba or lambada or whatever it is they do over there. Don't be surprised if I run off with some latin guy. I have no reason not to. Plus I recently saw a study that said that latin men are the best lovers. And Italians. But they're really hairy, so I'll go with the latins.
On the downside, I'll be here for turkey day and Jesus day. And New Year's. Because of Havana. And because I can't afford to go anywhere. The new boy will be away for the holidays (if he's even still talking to me) and I don't really have any friends here, especially since the other boys 'girl' will still be here making SD an uglier place. I'm not sure what I'm going to do to make sure I don't end up bawling and drunk on those days. If I had money, I'd go somewhere and treat myself to something special, but seeing as how Arby's is splurging, that's not going to happen.
On another, much repeated note, how did I end up this way? 34, single, no real job, no income, no respect, no friends, no nothing. I thought I had personality, talent, smarts, humor. All that stuff. And here I am. I'm not picky. I just want someone who knows not to belch in my presence, knows how to read, and has a job. Everything else is negotiable. I don't work out. That's probably my biggest sin. But I'm still in better shape than Cankles. Most of the people my age are married. Have kids. Jobs. Everything. And I have nothing. I have a trip to Cuba.