I'm going through one of those 'mad' phases. I'm mad. About everything. At everyone. Really. I'm mad at you because you can't seem to take 5 minutes to answer simple emails. Really? You're too busy to take 5 and say, hey, what's up, got your message. You said you were going to do better. I'm still waiting.
I'm mad at work. Mad that a whole lot of things are being made my fault when I have no control over them. Some of them are things that other people are supposed to be taking care of, but when they don't, it's my fault because I didn't watch over them every second and nag and so on to make sure they did it. But if I did that, I would just be better off doing the job anyway, so what's the point? Other things are completely out of my control. If people don't buy tickets to the movies, I can't fix that. I can only hope it gets better. But I still have to hear about it.
I'm mad about having to move. Somehow, there are people that I work with that have done absolutely nothing in order to help us move our offices, from the very beginning. They weren't there when we washed the windows, or when we painted, or when the cable was installed, or even when stuff was being moved. And somehow, their stuff gets moved while I'm "in charge" of moving everything in my office, whether it has anything to do with me or not. And then I'm asked why I'm not doing more. Why aren't you asking those lazybones that haven't lifted a finger for the last 4 months? And yes, when my internet is unexpectedly disconnected and I can't get any of my real work done, I'm going to bitch about it. I'm going to say, yes I'm going home where I have internet and can actually get things done. I don't need anyone saying, well, why don't you help us move some stuff instead? I HAVE WORK TO DO! Real work! With deadlines! I have no less than 3 film openings before I leave for Spain, 3 while I'm away, and 1 days after I get back. Yes, I have to do this stuff now. It can't wait. So yes, disconnecting the internet is inconvenient. Oh, and apparently I'm not allowed to talk about going to Spain IN ANY WAY while I'm at work because *some* people are jealous that I get to go. Yes, it is a privilege, but I earned it fair and square, and there's no one else in the office who has the expertise to do what I do. And I won't be laying on a beach somewhere. I will be getting up early and staying up late and meeting with people. The only difference is that I'll be doing it all in Spanish for 2 weeks. So suck it, everybody. I deserve to have a little excitement in my life. Especially when you treat me like I don't matter 10 months out of the year.
I'm mad at the boy. He continues to omit details of his life, and when I figure it out, it really pisses me off. And right now, I'm tired and already irritated by everything else, so I really don't have the patience for his bullshit. I really just want to take a few days to myself and sit on my couch. Drink some beers, watch some tv, and just relax. But clearly, that isn't going to happen anytime soon.
The class I'm teaching starts on Tuesday, and the class I'm taking (hopefully) will start the following week. I will have zero days to myself before I start teaching, and *possibly* will have the following weekend to breathe, but lately things have been coming up at the last minute and I don't even have a chance to breathe. Out of the last month, I think I've had 1 day, maybe 2 where I actually was able to sit still for longer than an hour. I don't really have the constitution to keep going and going like this. It makes me irritable. It makes me mad.