Secrets and Lies

Not everything in here is true, but it is based on real events.

Location: Southern California

Sunday, August 29, 2010


This is fantastic. Utterly fantastic. I spent a whole weekend feeling ignored and unappreciated by pretty much everybody. And the boy, who doesn't want to be anywhere near me when he wants to be around people he cares about. Maybe this is why I liked horses as a kid--to get me used to being stepped on and trampled as an adult. So I guess there is some sort of priority list going, and I come after lesbians, beer, tacos, and god knows what else. It's quite possible that I'm not even on the list. I know a phone call or a text (as in "I'll call you tomorrow") are just too much to ask for. Call me demanding. I just expect people to do what they say they are going to do and it upsets me when they don't. It upsets me when it makes me feel like I don't matter. Like a tribe of lesbians is more important than someone you have known for years, who has always been there when you needed them. I'm so tired of being taken for granted.


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