My Brother
Before I left, younger brother happened to grace us with his presence, but only for a short time. Alas, he had to go do whatever it is he does, and I had to go to the airport. I don't really remember when I last saw him; it may have been in January, or maybe last August. Whenever it was, he has definitely changed since then. He seems to have misplaced his neck, and he's now built like one of those men that says things like "got damn" and "hellfar" and other very intelligent sounding phrases while balancing a Keystone Light on their ample bellies which, if they were female, would cause people to ask when they were due. He's developed jowls that shake just a little when he talks, and his fingers could be mistaken for bratwurst by a hungry dog. And I just have to shake my head and wonder: What happened? But then I remember, I don't really care. This is the kid who couldn't be bothered to call or show up for the nine days I was home, didn't trouble himself to show up to celebrate my dad's birthday with us, and still insists on not having any kind of phone (as it is, in his estimation, a waste of money), even though I believe he secretly has one, but tells his family otherwise so no one will "bother" him.
I generally try to be understanding to other people, and as I get older, I try to make concessions to my family and their idiosyncrasies, because lord knows I have plenty of my own. However, in this case, I feel that he has crossed many lines and insulted the whole family with his snotty attitude, and as far as I'm concerned, he is no brother of mine. My brother gives me a hug when he sees me and says how are you and has conversations with me and my parents. And this man does not. He "borrows" from my parents, neglects to tell anyone what he is doing or even where he is or who he is with, and even if he says he'll be somewhere, odds are against it. He is the most selfish, unreliable, fatass jerk I know, and I've known some. So I guess that's it. Until he figures out how to be a member of my family, he is simply not in it. At least not for me.