Secrets and Lies

Not everything in here is true, but it is based on real events.

Location: Southern California

Sunday, March 30, 2008


Ok so I moved. I'm still trying to unpack everything (not the metaphorical kind, the actual kind) and I can't find anything. I almost set the house on fire tonight while I was grilling hamburgers out on the balcony. Nice, eh? Last night I went to goth night at this gay club a couple of blocks from my new house (I'm sure you noticed the picture). I have a friend who was bartending there and put me on the guest list so I got in for free. He also hooked me up with a free drink, so I think it was a successful evening. Those goth boys are so shy, though. Not a big deal; they aren't that good looking either.

I'm going to get my hair did this week sometime. I'll send you a picture. It's going to be superfly. Do people still use that word, or just me?

The boy from last fall texted me some recently. He broke one of his shoulders. He has some vicadin, but I told him that they were good, but not as good as Nurse Lisa. While I think he was intrigued, I haven't seen him. That's ok though, because I've been sick and coughing, which isn't particularly sexy.

The film festival was nuts. I did get to hang out with my favorite Mexican director and drink tequila with him. He told us stories about drinking tequila shots with Guillermo del Toro. I've never had tequila as a sipping kind of drink. It was good. And I didn't try to start any fights with anyone, which is even better. Plus I looked hot. But really, do I ever not look hot?

I've been fighting bouts of loneliness lately. I'm tired of dudes not being interested. I seriously need to get some new mojo. This one is broken. Mine's broken. I'm hoping it will come with the hair.

Congrats on the Final Four berth. Think you can do it? (and by you, I mean Tyler)

Hope you are well. You've been quiet for a long time now.

Goth Me

I look hot in this picture. You can't disagree and you know it.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

This is Nucking Futs

Things have been pretty nuts lately. It's been the kind of nuts where I leave home at 9 am and get home at 11 pm, and then do it all again the next day. Teaching 3 classes, going to two others, working another part time job(which I hate, as always, even though I gave my number to a dude just the other night), and volunteering at the film festival is eating up all my time. Then you can add in the fact that I am moving (I haven't signed the papers yet, but it's pretty much official) this month, and it's been nucking futs. I'll let you know the new address when I know what it is. I'm going to have a roommate; kinda weird. It should be good though, because it's closer to school, which means less money for gas (and not dealing with traffic every day), and it's cheaper. And I'm splitting all the bills with another person. And it will be bigger than where I live now. I'm going to miss living right by the beach, but I figure it's not going anywhere, so I can come visit whenever I feel like it. I guess it's like shared custody or something; it's not really my beach anymore since I'm giving it up. Oh well. I'm looking at all of this as a fresh start in this town, where I can act like a real person again, which is essentially whoever I want to be. There might be a funky hairdo in my near future. I'll keep you posted on that. I've thought for a long time that I lost my mojo when I moved here, but maybe it was just broken and now that it's had some time to fix itself, a new environment is just what it needs to thrive. So, don't be surprised if I come up with a bunch of crazy tales in the next thirty days or so.

My job situation is at the school is a little precarious at the moment. Arnold cut a shitload of funds, and now the school is scrambling to get next semester put together. Everyone seems confident that they wont lay me off entirely, but I have to teach at least 2 classes in order to get benefits, and that's a little uncertain. Stupid subprime crappy economy bullshit right wing spending on a fucking war I never wanted. Thanks for costing me my dream job. Assholes.

Anyway, that's it for now. Have to start again tomorrow.