Making Out
Last night was my work holiday party. Yep, I had some food, some wine, some fake gambling, won a prize I'm not too excited about, and then proceeded to make some unwise decisions. But hey, doesn't everybody? However, it appears that I may be the object of work gossip for an unspecified amount of time. Hopefully it will die out before I work next, which is Thursday. So what if I made out (euphemism-you figure it out) with the dude that doesn't know how to use a phone in a dark meeting room? So what if after he disappeared I proceeded to make out (no euphemism there) with the boy I've been crushing on for many months and brought him home with me? (Nothing besides making out happened, by the way) So, it turns out that I'm a ho. Who knew? Once you throw in yet another person I sort of drunk dialed the other night and ended up staying at his house an making out with him (yes, that's mostly all) and I'm certifiable.
Sometimes I wonder if maybe I didn't get enough hugs as a kid or something, since I seem to be starved for attention. Especially attention from those of the male persuasion. And the truth is that I don't need a bunch of attention from a bunch of boys, I just need attention from one. However, two of the three only want part-time jobs as attention givers. Very part time. And the new one that came over last night, well, who knows about him. He seems nice, but they all seem that way at first. But he didn't try to do anything ungentlemanly and he did seem quite content to sit in bed with me and just talk. About me, which earns him extra points. And while I can make out with two different boys that don't work together quite easily, I don't think it's possible to make out with boys that work together on a regular basis. That can only end badly. So, I think I'm going to have to curb my bad girl ways before someone gets hurt or beat up. Or something I haven't thought of yet.
So lock up your sons, lock up your husbands, because I tend to make out freely.
Sometimes I wonder if maybe I didn't get enough hugs as a kid or something, since I seem to be starved for attention. Especially attention from those of the male persuasion. And the truth is that I don't need a bunch of attention from a bunch of boys, I just need attention from one. However, two of the three only want part-time jobs as attention givers. Very part time. And the new one that came over last night, well, who knows about him. He seems nice, but they all seem that way at first. But he didn't try to do anything ungentlemanly and he did seem quite content to sit in bed with me and just talk. About me, which earns him extra points. And while I can make out with two different boys that don't work together quite easily, I don't think it's possible to make out with boys that work together on a regular basis. That can only end badly. So, I think I'm going to have to curb my bad girl ways before someone gets hurt or beat up. Or something I haven't thought of yet.
So lock up your sons, lock up your husbands, because I tend to make out freely.