Secrets and Lies

Not everything in here is true, but it is based on real events.

Location: Southern California

Friday, October 01, 2010

72 hours

I'm at the airport. My flight is delayed, apparently because of fog in San Fran. I hope it's not going to be cold there, because I didn't pack anything warm. The weather report said it was going to be hot all weekend, so that's what I'm prepared for. So I had to drive myself to the airport and park in the long-term parking because I don't have a single friend who will return my phone calls, much less give me a ride to the airport. I feel so loved. I feel so relevant. About the only person who even cares that I'm going is my boss, because he's bummed that I'm missing one day of work. That also makes me feel great, that the only person who gives a damn is the person who is trying to make me work ridiculous hours and get everything done that he can't count on other people to do. Yesterday I was suddenly put in charge of marketing an event next week that someone else put together and is supposed to be running. I also got the catered food for the event taken care of while the person who was supposed to be doing this stuff "worked from home". I called her to see what the deal was, and she said she couldn't work at the office because the phone kept ringing and interrupting her. Seriously? Are you that incapable of having 1-2 minute interruptions every 10-20 minutes and not get any work done? Are you fucking kidding me? I manage to get twice as much stuff done with those interruptions, and I managed to get work done from halfway around the world with a 9 hour time difference and she can't handle the phone ringing? How do these people function in real life? I do have sneaking suspicions that the whole 'work from home' thing is just code for 'I'm planning my wedding and have to meet the florist, bakery, etc.'. No one works better from home. The phone may be distracting, but the tv, fridge, bedroom, and even mailman are bigger distractions. Especially since no one is watching you. I've tried. Yes, I've worked from home, but my productivity falls immensely. Plus, there's no substitute for having the copier and office supplies at your fingertips while you work. Just sayin'.

So anyway, I'll be embarking on the most depressing trip ever in about an hour. A romantic getaway to a place I've always wanted to go, to see two people get married who are so in love with each other it makes me want to puke. So for the next 72 hours, I'll be reminded of exactly how alone I am, how alone I've been my whole life, and how alone I'll be for a long time to come. It would be easier if I could just throw a switch that turns off the lonely part of me. Like my flight has already left so I can go home now. But no, I'm still waiting for that plane that hasn't come and doesn't appear to be coming any time soon. God these people at the airport are annoying. People traveling in groups are annoying as fuck.


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