Secrets and Lies

Not everything in here is true, but it is based on real events.

Location: Southern California

Friday, September 24, 2010

Been Here, Done This

Dear lady in the hall: Can you please yell into the phone a little louder? I can still hear my thoughts.

So anyway, it's Friday, and I basically have one day left here. I leave on Sunday, spend the night in Madrid, then leave the next morning. Quick stop in Paris, then on to Atlanta and San Diego. Will I be seeing you there?

It's been an interesting week, with lots of food, drinks, movies, hand shaking and walking. I came down with a cold a couple of days ago, so I've been trying to rest as much as possible. I got some ibuprofen and lozenges at the pharmacy, and that helped tremendously. Still, I need to get something for my runny nose before I run out of tissues.

The weather also turned rainy yesterday, which is a little bit of a bummer, though not unexpected. Apparently that's the usual here this time of year. This town actually reminds me a little bit of Asheville, except on the ocean. There are lots of similarities, except for all the Spanish talk, of course.

I'm not looking forward to packing everything up again, as I have amassed a mountain of stuff, between film catalogs, press kits, DVDs, and random stuff I bought. In retrospect, I could have brought fewer clothes, but I had no idea what I was going to need or not need. If I come back next year, I'll know what to bring. Namely, some warmer shirts and fewer dresses. They go pretty casual here, which is kind of cool. I did, however, get the chance to wear my "Mad Men" dress, which is quickly becoming one of my favorites. I decided to wear it on my birthday since I was also going to a couple of parties, and I feel good in it without being too sassy. It still has the feel of business. I did notice one of the festival photogs snapping a couple pics of me at the first party, although I have no idea where those pictures end up.

I do have to commend the festival on its great parties, as they all involve food and drink. The food is amazing, even though it is just hors d'evoures. I filled up on them plenty. Leek soup? Awesome. Yogurt w/strawberries? Awesome. Shrimp with green "mojo" sauce? Fantastic. Tuna sashimi? Yum. On my birthday I managed to make the most of it, eating the food and drinking the champagne (it's my birthday--of course I'm going with champagne!). Just get me a little loosened up and I'll start talking in Spanish to the two closest guys around, Juan and David. Yep, that's right. I conducted an entire evening in Spanish. Needless to say, we hung out after the reception and blah blah blah, there's some small pieces of the evening I don't quite recall, and I spent most of the following day hungover and a bit fragile. Still, I had a great time, and the birthday was a million times better than the sob fest I held on my couch last year. Plus, I'm planning to celebrate again when I get home, as long as my lame friends don't ditch me again this year.

So believe it or not, I'm a little bit homesick, but I think a large part of that has to do with being sick. That's when there's no bed like my bed. I'm planning to go to the Guggenheim tomorrow, which should be a fantastic adventure. I'm really excited. I'm a little sad and a little glad the festival is almost over. This is why festivals can only go for so long: people get tired of watching movies all the time. It can be grueling. So even though I'm looking forward to getting home, I'm also dreading the mountain of work I'll have waiting for me when I get there. School is going to be particularly difficult, but I'm hoping I'll be able to get everything straightened out quickly so I can get into some sort of routine. I'm also planning on my actual work to get into a bit of a routine, since September was one of the most brutal months I've had in quite a while. October will be kind of busy, but in November it should level out so I can coast through December and into January and the festival. Lordy, it seems like the next real rest I'm going to get is going to be in April. That seems so far away.

Anyway, if there's one thing that I have decided from this trip, it's that I definitely want to make sure I get to Cannes in May. There are too many movies and people there to miss it. I just have to find affordable flights and accommodations, which is always the challenge. So that's it, I guess. I've been here, done this. And I'm hoping to do it again next year.


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