Secrets and Lies

Not everything in here is true, but it is based on real events.

Location: Southern California

Friday, September 03, 2010


Just saw my national cable tv debut. Meh. I didn't have any lines, so I won't be SAG eligible. Meh.

Anyway, I'm so glad that this is a three day weekend, and I'm leaving for Spain in less than 2 weeks. Yes, I have a lot of work to do, but at this point, I'm adopting a 'fuck it' attitude, where I just do what I can and not worry about the rest. Plus, next week I have to work (in addition to my regular office hours) Wednesday night, Thursday night, Friday night, Saturday morning, and Sunday night. And I teach on Tuesday night, so this weekend is my last chance to relax until I leave and sit on a plane for some ungodly amount of time.

Plus, this week marks the first time I've come really close to quitting my job. Or at least thinking about quitting. As you may or may not know, we moved our offices recently, and so there's a lot of shifting and a lot of things we're not quite sure about yet. Most of our shit is still in boxes. Plus, it's a giant open space, so sound echoes like you wouldn't believe, meaning that it is impossible to have two separate conversations going on at the same time. And if you are having one conversation, everyone hears you having it. Awesome.

And then there's the tension between me and one of the guys in the office. He's not my boss, but he's 'spearheading' the new office plans, so suddenly he thinks he is. His job, just to be clear, is to coordinate with contractors, designers, vendors, etc. His job is not to tell me what to do. But apparently that's what he thinks it is. And he's such a fucking prick about it, I just want to strangle him. Mind you, this is someone I have gotten along with up until this point. But he has chewed me out every day this week. For nothing. Because I did something he didn't like. And he did it twice publicly.

Our weekly staff meeting (where my actual boss was absent): "Lisa, I know you have a lot of things that need to be unpacked"
I come in, haven't even set my purse down: "Um, Lisa, you left a box where I don't like it" (and was too fucking lazy to just move it 50 feet to the place where I wanted it)
Yesterday, at a meeting in front of everyone: "Lisa, I don't want to single you out, but..."
And today, when I was signing for a UPS delivery: "Um, these boxes don't go here" (I hadn't even finished signing my name and was getting yelled at)

Then there was the day I was talking to my actual boss about the possibility of installing a permanent theater in the new space (my boss' idea, but one I'm excited about). Boss and I were talking, discussing the theater, and said prick overhears (as aforementioned--there is no such thing as a private conversation in this place), and starts to go berserk about the 'plan' for the place and how the theater won't work and this is so terrible and I need to re-think what I'm doing and blah blah blah. And the conversation didn't even concern him. And he basically told the boss that the boss' idea is bad. What an asshole. Suddenly I was in the middle of a pseudo-argument about whether or not we should have a theater and how film exhibition doesn't fit into our mission statement, and basically I'm unnecessary. It feels great to have your contribution marginalized. Fucking great. Don't worry about the fact that showing films is what this organization has been doing for 18 years, or that it's what we're known for, and it's the main source of income (other than grants) that our organization has. As my boss said "If there's one thing we know how to do, it's exhibition" But this jerk is insisting that suddenly we're a place for workshops and that is going to bring in so much money that I can't do anything if it competes with that (i.e. we can't have more than one thing going on in the place at the same time, god forbid).

I got more respect when I worked in catering. How pathetic is that?

So yes, I started thinking about going somewhere else for money. Because apparently I have to go somewhere else if I want respect.

Add that to the fact that I have been forbidden from talking about my trip to Spain at work because someone got jealous, even though that's an important part of my job and I'm the only one who can go. But somehow I'm the bad guy because I have the right knowledge and skills to go to a film festival and do what I have to do. Those people could have gone to grad school and spent a ridiculous amount of money doing so to get the same skills, but they didn't. They could deal with the stress of putting together a festival and trying to make sure everything goes smoothly while working 14 hours days for 2 weeks straight, but they don't. They leave a 5 and go to their boring little lives, then bitch about how I get to do all the 'fun' stuff. I fucking deserve it.

You know anyone who's hiring? I can start as soon as I get back from Spain.


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