Secrets and Lies

Not everything in here is true, but it is based on real events.

Location: Southern California

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Updated Rants

So I beat whatever bug was crawling up my nose, got my car back, and now I'm living with an indoor muddy swimming pool instead of a living room suit. And my landlord/roommate has not been around to tell me what the fuck is going on, or even call me back after yesterday when I called her. But I'm not bitter. I'm just tired.

I had to work today at a time when most people haven't even gone to bed yet, and I don't like that. I stopped to pick up a bite to eat and was the only sober person there. That's just not cool, when you think that these are the other people that are on the road today. I have also discovered that charity people have a snobby self-righteous way of being extremely rude that really irritates me.

I'm sad that the birthday extravaganza slated for next weekend has been abruptly postponed (yet to be re-scheduled), partially because now I'm going to have to work, which means sweating more than I'd like in a long sleeve shirt that rubs my neck in a particularly unpleasant way. Because as I've mentioned several times already, I'm just not cut out for working. And that's just one more reason.

I've got a mountain of stuff to do, and I don't feel like doing any of it because work has exhausted me so. I also had a mountain of work disappear yesterday, but I'm actually kind of sad about that because I was looking forward to the experience and money it was going to throw my way, in spite of its being a heavy load on my schedule. Maybe next time, they said.

I feel trapped in this tiny room of mine with nowhere to go; the backyard gate is locked, the floor is sticky, and the water is reflecting some sorta calm that isn't coming from me. I hate this fucking home improvement bullshit more than I can fully express. I want a normal house back, one that doesn't get me high from fumes, one that my shoes don't stick to, and one that allows me to get to the refrigerator without a hazmat suit. Why can't people just be satisfied with what they have???


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