Drinking Water in Hell
Ok, I give up. I'm not very good at keeping things to myself, because they sit inside me and stew until I'm ready to explode. So I have to indulge in some Bitching for My Soul, so I don't lose it even worse at a later date. Bear with me.
There's this woman that a friend of mine is friends with. There has always been friction between us for some unknown reason. Recently he said it was because she doesn't like to share him, but you would think an adult woman would've learned how to share by now. Anyway, at one point he said he would like it if we could be friends, I'm assuming because he would like to be able to do things with both of us and there not be tension or weirdness or whatever. I thought about it for a while, and realized that it is no fun when your friends don't get along, so for his sake, I would make an attempt to be nicer to this woman whenever I saw her and be nicer about letting him talk about her with me.
I saw her two days in a row, as the three of us visited the beach, one of our favorite places. I turned up my sugar-on-top attitude and determined that we would get along. She, apparently, had no inkling of the sort. She pretty much refused to talk to me, or participate in a conversation if I was participating. On the second day, she even refused to be in the same room with me for even five minutes. And again, refused to speak to me. Not even small talk.
I have to say that this kind of treatment, in my book, falls under the category of "rude", not to mention that it made me extremely uncomfortable and yes, even hurt my feelings a bit. It's like being snubbed by the homecoming queen or something. But I kept my mouth shut because I'm trying to foster good feelings and not be the catty bitch I usually am, or the snot that she was clearly being.
But then, my friend and I hung out without her one day, and over a fantastic dinner of Mexican food, he seemed to have her on the brain, as he could not stop talking about her, how cute she was, how she's right about everything, and how much of a burden it must be to be perfect like she is. To have to see how everyone else is wrong. I wanted to scream, but still, I kept my mouth shut. And I'm still keeping my mouth shut, stewing over the whole thing.
I suppose I can live with her being a complete brat; I can live with him talking about her, exalting her like she's perfect and wonderful and amazing. But I do have to say, that when he compared her to a close friend of mine, I had to interject. "they're a lot alike", except my friend is nice. He didn't say anything, but he did give me the look of death. The other part that really bothers me is that it seems like he always takes her side. Now I know I don't know what happens when I'm not around, I don't know what they talk about, but I feel like I could use some defending after the way she treated me. After all, I seem to recall a time previous when she complained to him that I "was giving her a bad vibe", and he promptly chewed me out, saying I should be nicer, when I had done nothing--and he had even been present to witness the fact that I had done nothing. But where is he now when she actually has done something to make me feel bad and uncomfortable? Is he on the horn telling her what a mean person she is? That she made someone feel bad when she didn't need to? That she was acting like a spoiled brat and no wonder she doesn't have any friends if this is how she acts all the time?
I seriously doubt it.
Especially because all he's done since that incident is sing her praises and say how sorry he is that she has man troubles and that he thinks she is "attractive". It's almost like he is trying to sell me on her, when she already blew it. She was mean to me. Am I supposed to befriend that??? Or am I just supposed to sit back and allow her to make me feel like shit because he thinks she is perfect?
I want to be defended. I want to feel like my efforts were duly noted. I want a glass of water.
There's this woman that a friend of mine is friends with. There has always been friction between us for some unknown reason. Recently he said it was because she doesn't like to share him, but you would think an adult woman would've learned how to share by now. Anyway, at one point he said he would like it if we could be friends, I'm assuming because he would like to be able to do things with both of us and there not be tension or weirdness or whatever. I thought about it for a while, and realized that it is no fun when your friends don't get along, so for his sake, I would make an attempt to be nicer to this woman whenever I saw her and be nicer about letting him talk about her with me.
I saw her two days in a row, as the three of us visited the beach, one of our favorite places. I turned up my sugar-on-top attitude and determined that we would get along. She, apparently, had no inkling of the sort. She pretty much refused to talk to me, or participate in a conversation if I was participating. On the second day, she even refused to be in the same room with me for even five minutes. And again, refused to speak to me. Not even small talk.
I have to say that this kind of treatment, in my book, falls under the category of "rude", not to mention that it made me extremely uncomfortable and yes, even hurt my feelings a bit. It's like being snubbed by the homecoming queen or something. But I kept my mouth shut because I'm trying to foster good feelings and not be the catty bitch I usually am, or the snot that she was clearly being.

But then, my friend and I hung out without her one day, and over a fantastic dinner of Mexican food, he seemed to have her on the brain, as he could not stop talking about her, how cute she was, how she's right about everything, and how much of a burden it must be to be perfect like she is. To have to see how everyone else is wrong. I wanted to scream, but still, I kept my mouth shut. And I'm still keeping my mouth shut, stewing over the whole thing.
I suppose I can live with her being a complete brat; I can live with him talking about her, exalting her like she's perfect and wonderful and amazing. But I do have to say, that when he compared her to a close friend of mine, I had to interject. "they're a lot alike", except my friend is nice. He didn't say anything, but he did give me the look of death. The other part that really bothers me is that it seems like he always takes her side. Now I know I don't know what happens when I'm not around, I don't know what they talk about, but I feel like I could use some defending after the way she treated me. After all, I seem to recall a time previous when she complained to him that I "was giving her a bad vibe", and he promptly chewed me out, saying I should be nicer, when I had done nothing--and he had even been present to witness the fact that I had done nothing. But where is he now when she actually has done something to make me feel bad and uncomfortable? Is he on the horn telling her what a mean person she is? That she made someone feel bad when she didn't need to? That she was acting like a spoiled brat and no wonder she doesn't have any friends if this is how she acts all the time?
I seriously doubt it.
Especially because all he's done since that incident is sing her praises and say how sorry he is that she has man troubles and that he thinks she is "attractive". It's almost like he is trying to sell me on her, when she already blew it. She was mean to me. Am I supposed to befriend that??? Or am I just supposed to sit back and allow her to make me feel like shit because he thinks she is perfect?
I want to be defended. I want to feel like my efforts were duly noted. I want a glass of water.
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