Secrets and Lies

Not everything in here is true, but it is based on real events.

Location: Southern California

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A-Team & A-Me

I'm frustrated. Again. I'm not trying to whine and be lame, but I've been really disappointed in the tepid response I've gotten from people about the film. Disappointed in the 'help' I've gotten from people working on the film for raising awareness and funds. I'm the first to admit that people have lives and can't devote 100% of their time to my little project. But I have spent hours putting together teasers, uploading photos, updating my blog, twitter, facebook, and website, and spreading it to every person I know and encouraging them to spread it to everyone they know. And that shit takes time. Posting a blog requires I write it, find pictures, put in links, the whole thing. And that's just one thing. Plus I have to think about all sorts of ways to try to get people interested enough to feel like it matters enough to pull out their wallets.

I have 30 days to raise $4950. And no one is responding. Before I started this whole campaign, the people I'm working with swore to me that they would help, that they would spread the word and try to convince their friends to get involved. So far, that 'help' has consisted of helping me shoot the teaser and an occasional 'like' on my page. None of their friends have liked the film, none have shown any interest whatsoever. And based on the small reaction I've gotten from my friends, I'm not buying that they're doing anything. Out of everyone they know, there has got to be someone that would show interest.

So I feel like I'm beating my head against the wall, swimming upstream, and thinking about how much I can actually spend on a film that I have to pay for myself. What I would have to sacrifice. First to go: special effects. Second: production design. Third: Costumes. Fourth: Locations. Fifth: Equipment. After that you may as well pack up and go home because you have no film.

I'm praying that I'll be able to make it happen without their help, since they are clearly not on the same page with how this needs to work. They don't understand that this is not simple, and people won't come just because I built it. A friend of mine said he'd give me $100, but I'll wait until I get the check to count it. People forget.

Anyway, it's frustrating to see my efforts scattered in the wind. Maybe it will all come together, just like it does for the A-Team. Except I don't have a team. I just have me. The A-Me.


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