Secrets and Lies

Not everything in here is true, but it is based on real events.

Location: Southern California

Saturday, January 09, 2010

New Decade

Some people are just lame. And they always will be, no matter how un-lame they try to be. Just sayin'.

My job sounds simple. Watch almost 600 movies in 3 months, and pick about 150 that don't suck, aren't too expensive, have starts in them, and are the right length. It is simple compared to a lot of jobs. Except that sometimes it stresses me out. Mostly because I have a hard time saying no to people. When filmmakers start calling me and asking me questions about their films, it makes me feel obligated to accept their work. Even when I know it sucks. So I'm learning to distance myself from the whole process. Deep down I know which movies are worthy, and I just have to stick to it. I always imagine some disgruntled filmmaker calling me and chewing me out and wanting to know what's wrong with their film. And in my imagination, I can't even remember their film. So that's my biggest fear: that I'll decline a film that I haven't even watched. Maybe that's lame, but that's how it is.

My boss today made a joke about how our administrative/hr person is learning skills that will help her later in life, and I'm learning nothing. For a second I was a little offended, and then I realized that he was right. None of the skills I have are translatable to another job. They aren't universal. They are highly specific, rare skills that aren't in high demand. Thanks, master's degree. I love you too. Sigh.

So now it's a new decade, and I have high hopes for the future. All the astrologists say that this is my year. Especially financially. We'll see, I guess. And some of them say that I'll meet the love of my life this year. Sounds dubious. I did meet a boy on NYE, and he has my number, but hasn't called. Wow, big surprise. As always, it's par for the course. Nothing new.

I'm hoping to do some traveling this year. Go home, go visit my friends in Austin, go to Spain (for work), and Havana again. New York City is a possibility, but we'll see. And if this financial thing actually comes through, I'd like to visit my friends around the world: Cairo, London, Berlin. I would visit North Carolina, but I'm not sure I have friends there any more....

This year I want to buy a new TV. I want to have a BF that lasts longer than 3 months. I'd like to make enough money to have disposable income. I'd like to do more creative work, and get noticed for it. That's the plan. And I want to do more sewing. And other crafty stuff.

I guess that's about it.


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