Secrets and Lies

Not everything in here is true, but it is based on real events.

Location: Southern California

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Pet Peeve

Pet peeve: I hate it when people say they will call and then don't. It annoys the shit out of me. It also annoys me when people think texting or sending comments on facebook is the same as making a phone call. It isn't. That's not a conversation. It's a handy way of telling me I'm not important enough to actually talk to. That spending 10 minutes on me is not worth the time. It is ridiculously annoying.

Anyway, I wish that texts were never invented. They are fucking stupid. Also, what the hell is going on with my movie? Why won't anyone support it? Am I not doing it right? Wtf? I've seen so many ridiculous projects get funding, and I'm sitting at $135. I won more than that at the fucking track. GAMBLING. One of the people who gave me money is someone I've never even met, another one I've met twice, one is from high school, and the other a local friend. I really thought I had more friends that cared about me enough to loan me $10. Seriously. I guess if I'm ever starving or homeless I'm really fucked. That's good to know.

Going to Comic-con on Saturday. We'll see how that goes. UPS lost my business cards, so they won't be here in time. Fucking idiots. They can't get a box from Burbank to San Diego? Seriously, I couldn't believe it when they told me. Now they have to be reprinted and reshipped, so they won't get here until next week, which is completely pointless. Grr.

Sometimes I just want to say fuck it and go wait tables.


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