Secrets and Lies

Not everything in here is true, but it is based on real events.

Location: Southern California

Saturday, June 12, 2010


I had a dream that I was at my grandmother's house and the boy was there. My old roommate was there too. We leave him alone for a few minutes, and the next thing I know, he's down in the basement working out on some old equipment. I talk to him a little bit, then leave him alone again. My parents show up unexpectedly. Now I have to introduce him to them. My dad is watching the Vikings on tv, but I introduce the boy and the boy immediately insinuates that Dad is gay. Dad of course gets mad, and starts talking about god knows what, but it's like he's reciting from a script, not actually talking. Like he's rehearsing something. And this whole time, I'm irritated that I have to introduce the boy, because I know he's not going to be around again, which I'll have to explain again. I introduce him to my mom, and she says they already met.

I also dreamt that my roommate and I auditioned for some movie, and in line in front of us are these two girls and one of them is Kristen Stewart, but I don't recognize her until later. Anyway, she and some heavy girl are rehearsing some naked lesbian scene, so they're both naked and I'm a little weirded out.

Awesome, even my dreams are messed up now.


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