Secrets and Lies

Not everything in here is true, but it is based on real events.

Location: Southern California

Saturday, June 18, 2005


Went to the beach where all the kids like to go. I've only been there two other times. I am always reminded why I can't stand that place whenever I go there. Annoying guys flying loud kites that swoop dangerously close to people. Tourists. Guys who are trying to hook up, but don't know that their all-over back tattoo of a dragon, their cans of Bud Light, and that beer gut does not make them attractive. Even if I were suffering from a hallucination brought on by sun stroke, they'd still have no chance.

So today my sheen starts to wear off as I start re-seeing my imperfections; where I missed a spot shaving, that little bulge right under my belly button that stubbornly hangs on, no matter how many sit-ups I do. My nerdy glasses I require in order to see anything or anyone my friend happens to be talking about. How my boobs sooo don't fill out this bikini.

Three days it took for the shine to dull. But actually, I don't care. I'm mostly comfortable with it. It was a beautiful day at the ocean with nary a cloud in the sky with my girlfriend who loves to be goofy and talk about everyone just like I do. I thought about him from time to time, wondering if he was having a good time at his mountain retreat with the fam. Wondering if he's thinking about me. If he wishes he were with me. But I'm glad I'm having fun even though he isn't here. Even though I'm on this beach I hate. Even though I have to work today. It's all ok. I'm comfortable.


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