Secrets and Lies

Not everything in here is true, but it is based on real events.

Location: Southern California

Monday, October 18, 2004

I'm Up for Adoption

I have the most communication impaired family ever. They suck, in fact. They didn't bother to call or send a card on my birthday. I finally buckled today because I wanted to make sure my mother is registered to vote. She lives in a swing state, so it's really important to me. And the current administration sent her youngest son to war, which is reason enough to take action, without all the other bullshit on top of that.

And I got all the news that's happened since LABOR DAY.

My sister moved. MOVED! Which means she had to sell the house and pack up the kid, the husband, the 2 dogs and 2 horses. It's no small task, and no small decision. And not one person I'm related to bothered to let me know. And it happened a whole month ago.

It gets worse.

My grandmother is sick. Very sick. And who knows when they found that out. And no one bothered to let me know. My mother mentioned it in a 'by the way' kind of manner, which really pisses me off. Am I even part of this family? It seems not.

And this isn't the first time this has happened. I used to get e-mails that informed me of deaths, military deployments to the latest violence ridden area of the world, trips to the hospital, and various surgeries. Now they don't even bother. What the fuck???

This makes me want to talk to them even less. But it seems like it's up to me to talk to them, because they're not going to talk to me. Or maybe I should find a new family. Is there anyone out there who would like to adopt a black sheep into their family? I promise I won't take up much space.

Just promise me you'll call me and tell me when things happen to members of the family. That's all I ask.


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