Secrets and Lies

Not everything in here is true, but it is based on real events.

Location: Southern California

Monday, October 18, 2004


Naturally, the things I have done.

I have walked on the beach at midnight. I have been on a runaway horse. I have driven across the country. I have moved far away by myself to a place where I knew no one. I have changed my major. I have flunked a test. I have ruined the curve. I have been diagnosed with a psychological disorder. I have been on tv. I have been in the circus. I have flown on a trapeze. I have done back flips. I have been in a serious car accident. I have witnessed a fatal car accident. I have auditioned for a reality show. I have been offered money for sex. I have driven a Porsche. I have been hit on by a married man. I have pretended to be a lesbian to make someone jealous. I have concocted a ridiculous story about myself to thwart a man who was trying to pick me up in a bar. And I involved a friend. I have dated a man for his brains. (His big, huge, brains...) I have sung the national anthem at a professional sporting event. I have changed clothes while driving. I have ridden an elephant. I have fed a giraffe. I have been to Mount Rushmore. I have voted. I have pretended to have an accent to total strangers on a dare. I have pretended not to speak a foreign language when other people were talking about me in it. I have had sexual fantasies about a professor. I have been completely debt free. I have worn shorts in the middle of a Colorado winter. I have experienced sub-zero temperatures and blizzards creating 5 foot drifts. I have been without electricity for 10 days. I have been friends with victims of violent crime. I have been in the back of a police car. I have been pulled over. I have been fired from a job. I have been the singer for a band. I have written my own music. I have eaten duck liver. I have made my own clothes. I have made a quilt. I have drunk water from a stream. I have seen wild bald eagles. I have seen wild dolphins. I have been cheated on by boyfriends. I have gone out on a date with someone I met in a bar. I have snuck into a bar before I was 21. I have been backstage at a big music concert. I have been to a rodeo. I have been to the Olympics. I have met a past Olympian, and a future Olympian. I have milked a cow by hand. I have been mistaken for a boy. I have made a pie from scratch. I have used illicit substances. I have been drug tested. I have gone without eating for five days. I have been suspected of being anorexic. I have been homeless. I have house-sat for people I never met. I have cheated on a test. I have taken a pregnancy test. I have been on anti-depressants. I have met a professional athlete. I have called a call-in radio show. I have won a drawing. I have called in sick to work when I wasn't sick. I have gambled in a casino. I have bet on horses and dogs. I have bet on a presidential race. I have been insanely jealous of another woman. I have driven a long distance in the middle of the night for sex. I have had someone drive a long distance in the cold to see me. I have had food poisoning. I have co-signed a loan, and then been forced to pay it back. I have been a victim of identity theft. I have been in love.

Well, that's it for now. Maybe now my life feels more full.


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