Secrets and Lies

Not everything in here is true, but it is based on real events.

Location: Southern California

Sunday, May 02, 2010

Royal Treatment

Over the last couple of days I realized that I'm quite comfortable being treated like a princess. It doesn't bother me even a little bit. It all started with the gala, where I got to hang with all the people with money to burn and eat and drink to my heart's content. Nice. I went to LA yesterday, which was, as promised, an interesting trek. I do love Hollywood. As much as I dislike going to LA and all the hipster douchebags that wander freely, whenever I go there, I feel like I've reached the mothership. Everywhere I turn, there is something I'm interested in seeing or doing. Plus I had the most amazing hamburger I think I've ever had. I have a new favorite, which I didn't think was possible. I also ended up having lunch with the director of the panel I went to see, one of the producers, and the director he'd brought in for the workshop panels. And the girls, of course. It's always nice to feel like you know people, even though you really don't. Moving on.

So last night was a party in honor of the San Diego theatrical opening of a film we showed at the festival, and since we're involved, I was able to get on 'the list'. It was at one of the snobbiest places in San Diego (one of those places I never go because it's ridiculously expensive and wall to wall skanks). And the star of the movie was there, so it was the real thing. I love being personally escorted to my VIP table where all the drinks I have for the night are comped, and I go talk to said movie star, who REMEMBERED me from the festival and gave me a hug and said it was great to see me. Then HE thanked ME for everything we've done to help the film in San Diego. I also got the same treatment from his brother, who is the director of the film. It's awesome to be on the inside, even if it's only for a couple of minutes.

Today I went back to the museum (I had free tickets, which is a whole other story) with the old boy, and he took me to lunch after. And nothing happened. Yay, me. But the real point is that I've gotten to do some really cool things this weekend and haven't had to pay for a damn thing and got to talk to and meet some really cool people and dress up and feel special. If only it could last forever. I like it. I also like the part where I'm the center of attention. Oh, and some guy that I work with 'confessed' that he's attracted to me. And only an hour after he told me he was planning to break up with his girlfriend. Whatever.

I don't think I have any other events happening for a while, so I guess it's back to average-ness for a while. I'm going to miss the royal treatment.


Anonymous the Stevester said...

That sounds like an amazing weekend! I saw some of the photos on FB. BTW, you looked great. Having fun never hurts!

1:13 PM  

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