Secrets and Lies

Not everything in here is true, but it is based on real events.

Location: Southern California

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Sports and Politics: Americas Two Favorite Pastimes

I made a point to watch Sports Center so I could see the highlights of the game. OH. MY. GOD. Man that kid is huge. Imagine how interesting the game would be if it was just him vs. a bunch of midgets. Wait--that's kind of what it looked like anyway. I think it would be awesome if I could come out next year and see the game in person. Don't you think that would be cool? We'll have to keep an eye on the 2009 schedule. I'm sure you could get tickets, right? Hey, he leads the league in blocks and only has to stand on his tip toes in order to dunk. Weird. One doesn't often get the opportunity to see something like that. Eh?

On another note, I took an interesting quiz about which candidate is for me, and some guy I've never heard of (Kucinich?) was the top choice. Hilary was #2 (huh, huh), Edwards was #4, some no-name was #5, and Obama was #6. I'm not that surprised. However, I was surprised that every single one of them disagrees with me about the death penalty. Since when did killing people become cool? Oddly enough, that psycho Ron Paul agrees with me on the killing thing. That kind of gives me the creeps. The thing also said they don't agree with me on education. I put that teachers should make more money, No Child Left Behind should be scrapped, and vouchers suck. I didn't think those were such radical ideas. Unfortunately, the test didn't say what their ideas on education were, just what they weren't. Actually, there's a lot of stuff in the test that I'm not super opinionated about, and something called SCHIP that I've never even heard of. Oh well. Politics as usual, right?


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