Post #546
One year. 365 days I've been keeping this online journal. And I suppose, looking back on it, not much has changed. This will be post #546, which means I am doing this way more often than I probably should. Especially since no one is even paying attention. Maybe that's why I've stuck with it so long. When people are watching, I often duck and run for cover.
I was expecting today to be much worse. But I found myself hopeful and in a good mood that seemed difficult to ruin. So I'm sitting at home with only a few minor issues to iron out before I start all over again tomorrow. And I also decided at some point today, almost by accident, that other people can go fuck themselves. I have no time to worry about other people's bullshit, even if it concerns me.
I just do my best, act like a decent person, and hope it all turns out ok. If other people aren't ok with that, too bad.
But I'll be meeting new people this semester, people that are very different from the people I'm used to enduring. People who will be weird and self-possessed in a completely different way. I got applause today. Weird, very weird. I'm just a teaching assistant; handing out syllabi, answering dumb questions and such. And some overly excited, smart ass drunk guy started clapping after the prof introduced me. And before I knew it 350 people were clapping like sheep or idiots, I can't decide which. But I suppose it could be a good omen of things to come.
After all, this is the start of year two.
I was expecting today to be much worse. But I found myself hopeful and in a good mood that seemed difficult to ruin. So I'm sitting at home with only a few minor issues to iron out before I start all over again tomorrow. And I also decided at some point today, almost by accident, that other people can go fuck themselves. I have no time to worry about other people's bullshit, even if it concerns me.

But I'll be meeting new people this semester, people that are very different from the people I'm used to enduring. People who will be weird and self-possessed in a completely different way. I got applause today. Weird, very weird. I'm just a teaching assistant; handing out syllabi, answering dumb questions and such. And some overly excited, smart ass drunk guy started clapping after the prof introduced me. And before I knew it 350 people were clapping like sheep or idiots, I can't decide which. But I suppose it could be a good omen of things to come.
After all, this is the start of year two.
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