Secrets and Lies

Not everything in here is true, but it is based on real events.

Location: Southern California

Monday, January 31, 2005

Hippie Chiro

I went to the hippie chiro this morning. I've gotten pretty used to the cultish deep breathers that go there. I just go in and get adjusted and leave and don't worry about it until the next appointment. Those people can have their crystals and their life forces and all that other hooey. But today, this woman lost her shit in the office.

I'm lying there face down, trying to ignore the fact that there are other people lying face down in the room near me. Which is actually kind of difficult, because they all take such deep cleansing breaths, you could hear them out in the waiting room. And then I hear a sniffle, and then a couple of quick catch breaths, and then that unmistakable whine of crying. And it didn't stop. She just kept going. It really bothered me, and I wanted to leave right then. I thought she would stop or go in the other room or something, but she just laid there crying, no sobbing, about god knows what. It just seemed like it was for no reason. There had been no talking that might have prompted her, no running into something. She just lost it.

And I got frustrated, partially because I figure if I can keep my shit together in public, anyone can. What could possibly be so bad she would lose it at the hippie chiro's office, where they cultivate an 'atmosphere of healing' and all that other touchy feely crap?

Anyway, note to self, if I lose it at his office, no one is going to say anything. They'll just let me lie there and cry.


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