Sleepy Puzzles
It's my birthday. It's finally here. And I'm laying in bed (alone) under a mountain of blankets because last night I started shivering and couldn't stop. This is California, not the Yukon. It's not cold. I wasn't cold. My feet were warm and almost to the point of sweating, but I was still shivering. So I got out every blanket I could find and put them on my bed. And I'm still under them all. It feels good, even though it's a bit warmer than I'm used to. At least I'm not shivering anymore. But then I had this dream that I saw an old woman dead in her bed with ice all around her. And someone said to me, she's not dead, she's' just frozen. And another voice said that she didn't die from the cold, she died from all her lonely nights. If that's not the wierdest thing ever, I don't know what is. I don't have dreams that seem to be stolen right out of my life. I have wierd dreams about people on horses riding through halls of schools. Dreams about fighting with my mother because she didn't win a Nobel or Pulitzer Prize. I'm not sure what to do with this information my subconscious is giving me. Any dream interpreters out there?
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