Movie Madness
Today I saw a film that I really liked. I didn't like it as much as another film by the same director, but I liked it nonetheless. (HERO was the film, in case anyone wants to know) This is a director who has definite ideas about what a film should look like, and what it should say. He has the most wonderful eye, and this film is full of amazingly beautiful images and colors that Kodak has wet dreams about. About which Kodak has wet dreams. He saturates his story in such fantastical landscapes and color palattes that it is easy to lose oneself inside the fairy tale. He includes nods to the amazing Kurosawa while exploring his own brand of storytelling. His stories are laden with Shakespeare-esque tragedies involving countries, friendships, and of course, romance. This is a director that will not be rushed; he seems to revel in slowing down his 'realities' to accentuate every minute detail that he has painted for you. So enjoy it. It's there for you.
As a side note(or side rant, as the case may be), I have grown increasingly hesitant to view movies with the general public, especially in large, corporate owned theaters. While going into the theater this evening, I noticed a sign that spells out which movies you can take your kids to because the MPAA (the people who give ratings) said so. Since when does anyone have the right to tell you what your kids can see? And besides, the MPAA is so screwed up (giving KILL BILL and BILLY ELLIOTT the same rating makes no sense) that there is really no telling what a movie might contain based on its rating. This is just some messed up marketing tool that ends up branding films (often unfairly). And all this adds up to one thing: Censorship. Is this why we live in the 'land of the free'? So that we can have our creative ideas be forced to wear the modern day scarlet letters: X, NC-17, and R?
One more thing. For those of you who have a hard time keeping your mouths shut while watching a movie, go to the video store. I did not pay good money to hear some jackass two rows behind me saying "Who is that?',or "I knew it!", or "That's so fakey." To all of you (especially that woman behind me who I really wanted to knock out), SHUT THE FUCK UP. Let me enjoy this movie in peace. Not only is your running commentary annoying and distracting, but you are revealing to every person in the theater what a moron you are with your idiotic banter. Stow it.
As a side note(or side rant, as the case may be), I have grown increasingly hesitant to view movies with the general public, especially in large, corporate owned theaters. While going into the theater this evening, I noticed a sign that spells out which movies you can take your kids to because the MPAA (the people who give ratings) said so. Since when does anyone have the right to tell you what your kids can see? And besides, the MPAA is so screwed up (giving KILL BILL and BILLY ELLIOTT the same rating makes no sense) that there is really no telling what a movie might contain based on its rating. This is just some messed up marketing tool that ends up branding films (often unfairly). And all this adds up to one thing: Censorship. Is this why we live in the 'land of the free'? So that we can have our creative ideas be forced to wear the modern day scarlet letters: X, NC-17, and R?
One more thing. For those of you who have a hard time keeping your mouths shut while watching a movie, go to the video store. I did not pay good money to hear some jackass two rows behind me saying "Who is that?',or "I knew it!", or "That's so fakey." To all of you (especially that woman behind me who I really wanted to knock out), SHUT THE FUCK UP. Let me enjoy this movie in peace. Not only is your running commentary annoying and distracting, but you are revealing to every person in the theater what a moron you are with your idiotic banter. Stow it.
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