Secrets and Lies

Not everything in here is true, but it is based on real events.

Location: Southern California

Monday, September 13, 2004


Sometimes the internet really burns my butt. Whenever you feel like you are actually getting it, it turns on you. Uploading that next page? Whoops, connection error. Want to see that cute photo? Too bad, you’re just going to get an ‘X’ in a square. Try again some other time. Trying to find that web site from yesterday? Oh, it’s gone. But keep hitting that refresh button and maybe it will magically appear again. What the hell is going on??? This thing that doesn’t even really exist (it’s virtual, remember?) has made us more or less dependent on it, and yet it works with about as much reliability as an old Ford Pinto. (Just don’t hit it from behind, or it will just explode) If it were a car, people would be bitching and moaning about how little it actually works. It would be in the shop more than it’s on the road. Why do we accept this? Why do we become dependent on it? Those brainiacs at Microsoft (I’m talking to you, Billy) need to buck up and give us something that actually works for those of us who don’t speak six different computer languages fluently. It would also help immensely if they could hire tech support people that actually speak a language besides computer. Sorry pal, I don’t know where this mysterious file you speak of is. If I knew where it was, or what it was, or what it does, I wouldn’t have spent the last 45 minutes on hold waiting for you to tell me, would I? I don’t mind if you say, “See that thingy in the corner that looks like a pink elephant? Click on that.” That is much more effective than saying, “Go into your scan disk server and see what the RAM properties are.” I don’t know what you’re talking about, nor do I care to. I just want this damn thing to work like it’s supposed to. So here, I guess, is my open call for computer geeks to get their crap together and make this internet thing work more like a Honda than a Pinto. But now you’ll never get it because my server just crashed…


Blogger Owen said...

Never gonna happen. People are lazy. Computer geeks are even lazier.

12:48 PM  

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