Secrets and Lies

Not everything in here is true, but it is based on real events.

Location: Southern California

Friday, September 10, 2004

Olive Oil

I read something the other day about olives. And olive oil. I love food. I wish other people did too. The ancient Greeks held olives as something that is sacred; the olive tree was regarded as a cherished member of the family, to be tended and loved and coaxed into bearing the precious fruit that would keep the family alive. Now it is just plopped into the bottom of a martini glass without any thought at all. Tragic? I think so. Not everyone would agree with me. I realize that most people view food in a more utilitarian light, eat to live and so forth. What ever happened to the idea that food was something sacred, a giver of life that should always be revered and respected? In Athens, there was an olive tree so sacred that when they were attacked by Sparta, the Spartans were careful not to burn this tree down. It was believed that they would suffer some terrible wrath from the Gods if they harmed this tree in any way. When an Olympian won an event, they were given a cup of olive oil from this tree, to signify them as "chosen" by the Gods for victory and glory. Perhaps it is too difficult to take time out to appreciate food anymore. With microwaves, pre-packaged, preserved foods, and the advent of agribusiness (which isn't really about feeding people, but making money) food seems to have lost its bond with human kind. It is now something we do in between important things, in the car, at meetings, on the way to doing something else. For once, it would be wonderful to see people eating for the pure joy of it. To sit and appreciate what is in front of them. To not multi-task at the dinner table. To let that call go to voice mail. To forego those easy, familiar chicken tenders and try something new--a piece of fish perhaps. This is not about nutrition. This is not about eating well. This is about appreciating the things we are given, to take a few minutes to recognize the art that is cooking.


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