Sometimes people don't surprise you, but they still make you feel good in unexpected ways. Today HE called ME. I left him alone, to decompress and get away from everything and everyone. I wanted him to be able to enjoy time to himself. Quiet time. I could talk to him later. But in the end, he wanted to talk to me before the day was over. Not because he had something important he needed to talk about, but just because he wanted to make a connection. It sounds like such a silly little thing, but I don't care. I like feeling like I make someone's life more enjoyable, more bearable. I like to help by doing nothing at all. All I have to do is be there. Talk. Listen. It's easy to miss these things in life, these connections. In the shuffle of life, with the petty games and silly rules, making contact often gets low on the priority list. Too bad. Anyway, I like connecting. It's fun. It makes everything else seem so much less important. If one person can make things less painful or more satisfying, then why wouldn't you let them?
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