Day of Stuff
Today I saw a story on the news about a guy who is trying to develop a computer that you wear on your head so the screen is constantly in front of you. Ok, my first reaction is that this guy takes the term computer nerd to a whole new level. He even wore his computer while they were interviewing him. What a doofus. Secondly, WHO THE HELL WANTS THIS CRAP?!! Don't get me wrong, I love my laptop; it goes anywhere and is easy to store. But that doesn't mean I want it attached to my person. It is absolutely necessary to get away from all this multitasking crap as much as possible. What ever happened to enjoying one thing at a time? When I go on vacation, I make a point to leave my laptop at home so I won't be hauling it out all the time instead of enjoying the things around me. Sometimes I even (gasp) turn my cell phone off. Sometimes I read actual books, you know, the ones with the papers with words on them? What is happening to us if we are so hell bent to fuse ourselves with machines? It feels like one of those Star Trek episodes with the Borg. The funny thing is, I'm sure there are a ton of people out there who MISS their computers and cell phones and palm pilots and GPS devices. They think I'm crazy. I'm not. I'm just human.
Florida is about to get drenched again. I feel sorry for my friends in the South. They think they moved to Seattle, but don't remember packing. Oh yeah, all their stuff washed away in the floods. I feel sorry for them. I'm glad I don't live there anymore.
Today I had the best guacamole ever. And I don't even know what was in it that made it so good.
Tomorrow I make my first attempt at actual filmmaking. Wish me luck (for getting up at the butt crack of dawn). Happy Birthday Beach guy. Happy Autumn to everyone else.
Florida is about to get drenched again. I feel sorry for my friends in the South. They think they moved to Seattle, but don't remember packing. Oh yeah, all their stuff washed away in the floods. I feel sorry for them. I'm glad I don't live there anymore.
Today I had the best guacamole ever. And I don't even know what was in it that made it so good.
Tomorrow I make my first attempt at actual filmmaking. Wish me luck (for getting up at the butt crack of dawn). Happy Birthday Beach guy. Happy Autumn to everyone else.
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