Secrets and Lies

Not everything in here is true, but it is based on real events.

Location: Southern California

Friday, May 27, 2011


I've just wasted the last two days. No idea why. I'm holding Glee responsible. Plus that show isn't nearly as good as everyone said it was, so I'm twice as irritated. I did do some reading and went to the beach. Half of me is all red. Apparently I either spent too much time on my back (no jokes please) or not enough time on my stomach. It's not bad, just weird. I also rode my bike this morning, but only for a short ride.

I'm planning on starting the fundraising campaign for my movie on June 1, which means I need to get my website at least mostly finished. I'm hoping to raise $5000, so if you could lean on all your rich friends, I would appreciate it. :) I'm working on making storyboards, but the going is slow and tedious. Much like the rest of pre-production, I just have to power my way through it. It's my least favorite part of making films.

I'm also trying to lose 10 pounds. So far I have lost zero. However, some of that might be due to my old bathroom scale, which gave me four different readings in four minutes that spanned 10 pounds. Not particularly helpful. So I just had to go with the median number it came up with. So I've taken control of my diet and started counting calories, which I have never done before. It seems a little unfair that the calories you eat add up so much faster than the calories you burn. Yesterday I ate about 1000 calories and everything seemed okay. But I still feel fat and gross. I'm guessing part of that comes from going to the beach, which was entirely peopled with high schoolers. Those punks have zero fat on them, and it really seems unfair. They're so clueless about what they have and don't know how to use it. So I have to figure out some exercise that I can do that won't hurt too bad and won't make me buy anything or go to a gym. Anyway, we'll see how it goes. I'm sure my bikini body will be ready in September, just in time for the cooler weather.

I'm planning to hide out in my apartment all weekend to get some things done. I've spent my weekend yesterday and today, so now I need to get back to work and be serious again. I should be interruption free, since everyone is doing their holiday thing. I guess sometimes not having people close to me in town is not a bad thing. I'm also still waiting for my carpet and drywall to get fixed, but they won't be working this weekend. I have a meeting on Monday with my cinematographer, so I'll need to be ready for that. Where would we be without deadlines? I feel like I need a work buddy who can be around and we can both work at the same time. If I have someone pressuring me to keep going minute by minute, I'm less likely to take breaks and do nothing. I feel like I have to keep up and be as responsible as they are, so the work gets done. But we all know that's BS, and I can work just fine on my own. Otherwise I wouldn't have gotten this far. So I guess I just need to keep reminding myself. Anyway, that's the state of things at the moment.

Have a good weekend.


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