Secrets and Lies

Not everything in here is true, but it is based on real events.

Location: Southern California

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Words can't really express how happy I am that I'm going to get a break next week. I think I cleared 60 hours last week, and I've been getting up early and going to bed late all this week between school and work. I'm exhausted. I told my boss I wasn't going to work next week, and he doesn't like it, but he's okay with it. It will be a good chance for me to catch up and rest. I'm also celebrating my birthday this weekend, starting tomorrow, with daily events through Sunday. What's the point of getting older if you can't enjoy it? So, this weekend will most likely include lots of food and alcohol. I'm looking forward to it. I almost don't even care if anyone else shows up.

The school situation is looking a bit better. I've talked to a few other professors about my work, and they were more enthusiastic than my regular professors. I was beginning to think it was hopeless. So I have little bit more hope than I did a week ago, but I'm still going to take next semester off. I keep remembering last year, when I cut off part of my finger, locked myself out of the house, and almost got into a car accident all within a 24 hour period. I'd really rather not do that again.

I'm going home in a few weeks, which should be interesting. I'm looking forward to seeing my family, but I'm not looking forward to the TSA groping. When will people learn that "security" is the opposite of freedom? Ten years ago, we could wear shoes, carry water, lip balm, and even hunting knives on planes. Now you can't even wear a bra without arising suspicion (or maybe it's actually something else that is aroused...) And for the record, I don't feel safer. I just feel more violated.

Anyway, that's it for now. I'm exhausted.


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