Secrets and Lies

Not everything in here is true, but it is based on real events.

Location: Southern California

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Nothing New

I have nothing new to say. I would like to believe that I do, but when it really comes down to it, I don't do anything new. I keep having the same problems with the same guys and making the same mistakes with them. I got drunk on VD Day with the one that keeps trampling me and I spent the night there and we kind of messed around and when I woke up the next day I was really sad because it was the same as always and I don't really matter because someone else is more special. I also felt really stupid, because on some ridiculous level, it was worth it. Basically I suck.

I went out today with another guy that I've known for a while and he and I hook up from time to time and today he mentioned that he told his dad we were dating. I was somewhat surprised, but it definitely gives me something to think about. What if he ends up being my boyfriend? He lives 45 minutes away and has a habit of being flaky, although he's been a lot more reliable in recent weeks than he has been in the past. I don't know, maybe to him, dating is the same thing as hanging out is to me.

I am probably going to be moving soon so I can save some money because I feel like there's too much money going out and not enough coming in. I might even have a roommate. How weird. I'm still not sure about the whole thing. But I must say that it feels like my life is about to change in a major way, although I don't know exactly how. All I know is that I really want my mojo back because it has been gone for way to long and I miss it a whole lot. And I'm ready for good things to happen in my life. And for bad things to stop happening. Seriously.


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