Secrets and Lies

Not everything in here is true, but it is based on real events.

Location: Southern California

Friday, August 11, 2006

Interview with a Crazy Person

I tried to figure out how to link to my interview in the paper, but it didn't happen. If you want to try it, it's Nothing came up for me except a "best of" survery. Anyway, today is the big day, so we'll see how it goes. See who shows up, who doesn't, and how everyone likes my work. I invited the pro at the club, so it will be interesting to see if she shows up. Kid A I think is busy, but Boy B is coming. And my work people. And some other people I kind of know, but a lot of them are maybe's. I'm hoping Dr. Evil doesn't show up, because that would be some major drama. Hopefully he has enough sense to stay home. I think he's been trying to call me lately, but I'm not sure. Jerk.

The movie is still making me crazy, but the worst of it is over (I think) until we actually go to Colorado. Now maybe I'll be able to breathe a little bit. G girl told me last night her work might not let her come with me. That was news I definitely didn't want to hear, but the only thing I can do is hope for the best. That's all I can do with any of it. Now that the organization is starting to be done, I can focus on how we're actually going to shoot this thing. And how we're going to pay for it. Ugh.

Oddly enough, you can call me during the day while I'm at work. Mornings are especially good (like before 10 my time). I might not be able to answer, but I could at least call you back and we could chat for a few minutes. Sundays & Mondays are good since I'm off, but there's the possibility I might be on a date with Boy B, so who knows. Monday might be better. When's a good time to call you?

I don't know how he would feel about seeing Ani for his birthday. I already have tickets for September, which is the day after my birthday, but his is August 20, so that's a month wait for him. I really don't know what to do. I think he really likes me (scary thought), even though he's pretty nonchalant about it. He's kind of goofy, but mostly normal so far. I'm thinking he's got something he's hiding really well, but I'll wait until he unveils it to panic. Criminal record? Drug habit? Mommy issues?

Anyway, I think that's about it for now. Wish me luck. I'll try to take some pictures so you can see!


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