Secrets and Lies

Not everything in here is true, but it is based on real events.

Location: Southern California

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Creepy Dreams

I feel like an evil moon passed over me last night. I don't know how else to explain it. I woke up to the thud and quiver of earthquake, but was groggy enough to believe that I might be hallucinating. To believe it might be the garage door opening. But deep down I knew that my bed only makes that sound for earth shattering events.

And then there was a dream. A creepy sex dream involving people I know (yes, that's plural people). One holding me down while another cuts into my knee with a razor blade, and yet another person just sits there and watches. The only face I can't remember is the one holding me down. I asked him why, and he says because the cutter promised he could be next. And I remember being really scared, really disappointed, and really confused. Why would someone do this to me? Why won't the other person help me? Why is he just standing there doing nothing? Why are they cutting my knee up first?

I woke up with the strangest feeling. Like a crime had just been committed inside me. I tried desperately to remember the face, and couldn't figure it out. I gave up, but am still uneasy from the memory. I know these people. They are people who are usually nice to me. Not threatening people. Where do thoughts like these come from? It makes me think that I'm the creepy one. With the creepy dreams.


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