Secrets and Lies

Not everything in here is true, but it is based on real events.

Location: Southern California

Thursday, February 24, 2005


Anyone who reads me on a regular basis (or knows me) knows that I do a lot of comparisons between my life and Sex and the City. I know it's stupid, but there aren't any other shows out there that explore relationships in a way that isn't ridiculous (I'm not making comparisons with anything from the Lifetime Network). Anyway, it's been bothering me for quite some time that I don't identify with any of the four women on the show. I am like none of them, and yet they seem to represent the main personality types available. So I've felt a little lost.

But today I realized something. I'm not one of the girls. The person I most identify with on the show is Aidan. Yep, that's right, folks, I'm the man on the show. It actually fits. Mostly mellow, very sensitive, loyal, trusting, trustworthy, and completely trampled in the end. I am the brokenhearted Aidan. It seems as though the skies have finally cleared for me. I suppose there is the catch that I'm identifying with a man instead of a woman, but I don't think there's anything I can do about that. I know it's strange. But there is no other choice for me.

I am Aidan.


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