Secrets and Lies

Not everything in here is true, but it is based on real events.

Location: Southern California

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

I'm Leaving

Fuck Bush. I hope he burns in hell for all the people who've died at his hands. (CIA, I know you're watching. I dare you to come and get me).

I'm leaving the country for the next 4 years if he "wins". (Anyone in Europe got a place I could crash for a few years?)

And I'm pissed at Ralph Nader. He is the most egotistical jackass on the planet. He is Dubya's masked minion of doom. He has not been a major player in any election he has ever been a part of, and yet he insists on continuing his ridiculous charade. Someone needs to excommunicate him from the policial process. There should be a law for how many times you can fuck up a presidential election. Ralph, let it go. You are never going to get to the oval office. You are insane. And to make matters worse, the only "person" you are helping is the spawn of Satan. Fuck you Ralph Nader. Get off the pot. You are never going to get to be a contesant in this pissing contest.


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