Secrets and Lies

Not everything in here is true, but it is based on real events.

Location: Southern California

Monday, May 17, 2010


Blech. It's been really cold here lately. At least cold for May. I'm wearing a coat and a scarf. I should be wearing shorts and tank tops.

So I'm trying to get some things done for me over the next few weeks, starting with cleaning my house and getting some writing done. It's amazing how much time I can waste when I really want to. Even though there's no reason for me to do so. I suck. Seriously.

I also don't understand boys. At all. So I went out with the boy on Thursday and we had a great time, he texted me at midnight on Saturday to say he was going to sleep, and I haven't heard from him since. I left a voice mail yesterday, and no call back. Not super suspicious behavior, just kind of disappointing. I have had a hard time figuring out if he really likes me, since he seems to make no secret that he's attracted to me, is not ashamed to be seen with me in public, and is actually really nice to me when we're together. We have a great time when we're together. But then I don't see him for a while and I kind of feel like he doesn't really miss me. Like if I disappeared it wouldn't be a big deal to him. But I don't really know what's going on with him. It's still new, so there's no telling. He could just be being careful or he's just busy or I don't know what. I've been hoping to hash out with him what the deal is and where this might be going, but I haven't had the chance, and to be honest, I'm a little hesitant to do so. Those kinds of conversations always come off as needy, even though they're more organizational than anything else.

Someone I know said it sounds like the guy really likes me, but I feel like that could just be because of the way I described him. But then again, he did go to a museum with me, and I got him to dress up for it, so maybe that is a sign that he's willing to take one for the team. Except that there was free food and drinks, so who knows? Maybe eating and drinking is his weakness. I know it's mine.

Anyway, it would be a shame to lose this one. I actually like him, and we actually seem to fit in a weird way. I just worry that he's looking for a fling while I'm looking for something a little more substantial. So we'll see if it ever grows into something more. He's supposed to take me to the airport next week. I guess we'll see about that, too.


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