Secrets and Lies

Not everything in here is true, but it is based on real events.

Location: Southern California

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Your Job

I can't get into my email for some reason. I'm a little ticked. It keeps telling me the serves is unavailable or too busy. WTF? Anyway, our little festival starts today. I'm trying to get all the rest I can. I feel a little tickle in my throat; I'm determined that it's just fatigue and NOTHING ELSE. Nothing else. It should be an interesting day. I had movie dreams all night last night. They were weird; I can't even begin to describe them. I'm a little stressed, but only because there is a lot of stuff that needs to happen in the next few days and I have little help to get them done. I also have a 5 page research paper due on Tuesday. I think I can get it done (5 pages isn't that hard; I did 14 last semester). It's just one more thing that I have to worry about.

Tonight is also our opening night gala party. The boy is going to be my escort. Interesting? Your job for the day is to keep thinking it's time for him to figure out that I am unbelievable awesome and he must make the appropriate changes to his life so he doesn't miss his golden opportunity. I'll let you know what happens. I think he is close. He seemed excited about going, especially after I said I would be dressing up. He has no idea what is about to hit him. Or maybe he does because I looked fabulous last week. But tonight I'm wearing the new strappy heels. They work wonders.

The roomie and I haven't done our brackets yet. I told her last night we needed to. I saw on ESPN that SDSU what picked to be one of the first teams that would be knocked out. Great. Thank god for that 20 million dollar budget that never shrinks while class sizes get doubled and faculty are given the boot like it's going out of style. Great decision. I guess no one will notice that Caifornian's have no education as long as they can put five dudes on the court in March. Argh. Whatever.

Anyway, don't forget your job. Maybe it will help if you think of it as my ACC championship. You did so good on that one this year, you should keep using those talents for the forces of good.


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