Secrets and Lies

Not everything in here is true, but it is based on real events.

Location: Southern California

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Ok. so here's the deal. I've had a lot of vodka so I'm not responsible for anyting contained herein.. My class for the fall is full, while the other prof, whose class is at exactly the same time, is empty. Hmm. Does that say something about my teaching ability? perhaps. On another note, a prof that I hate and loathe is leaving, and inexplicably recommended me to take his classes. It doesn't look too promising, what with the budget cuts and so forth. There are a number of things I've been thinking about regarding these issues, but I'm trying to stick to what's important. I hate that man. He is terrible. There are very few poeple I can say that about, but he is one of them. His whore is the other. She Is also terrible and fake.

It seems like I have so much stuff to take care of, but when it really comes down to it, I only have to worry about the stuff that's really important. I'm also unsure about my teaching ability. It seems like things are out of control and I don't have any way to rfix them. But regardless, I'm working on it, and so far I am employed, but am very lonely. Apparently big brains aren't as sexy as you thought. Big boobs are still the way to go.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you survived the earthquake with no problems.

Hey, do you know the singer Sara Bareillis with that somewhat annoying/cathcy song "Love Song"? When I first saw the video, I thought her look reminded me of you. Then, I saw these photos and really thought so. (Click on the photo gallery mid-page for the Maroon 5 concert and then see photos 23 and 26)

What do you think? Of course, she has a certain sex appeal to me...wonder why? ;-)

And, yes, while boobs can also be sexy, I still think brains are, too.

5:57 AM  

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