Secrets and Lies

Not everything in here is true, but it is based on real events.

Location: Southern California

Saturday, August 25, 2007


So I'm sitting around doing nothing, and Ginger calls me up, whining about how she's all alone in Vegas because her cousin's flight got delayed and she doesn't want to take a taxi anywhere, and she already gambled away the money she had for gambling and it's so hot in Vegas and waa waa waa. And at some point I tell her that I'm upset that she didn't come to the thing last night and in fact, none of my friends came last night (except for J.) And she says oh my boyfriend had to check my car before I drove to Vegas (which I offered to do for her, but she wanted him to do it). I called her out and said it only takes a few minutes to do that and you don't like him anyway. She said she never intended on coming to the thing, and I said why didn't you tell me that? She said she was going to call me and let me know, and I even called her last night and asked her if she was coming and she never called me back. A simple phone call is all I was expecting. But then she turned it all back to be about her, and she said she and her boyfriend broke-up, which really means that she's not going to talk to him until Monday, at which point she'll start talking to him again so she can start bitching to me about how much she doesn't like him.

So anyway, she "couldn't" come to my event because her life is apparently so difficult she can't spare a few hours for me. I also brought up the fact that she invited me to Vegas and then disinvited me, which she passed off as my fault. Of course. I started to get really upset and said I should go before I started crying and she said "whatever, dude", and HUNG UP ON ME. There was no 'sorry I let you down last night', or 'sorry I was a bitch about Vegas', or 'sorry I called you for NO OTHER REASON than to make you feel sorry for me because I'm all alone when I could have invited you for real'. And I'm sure that she is talking to someone else this very minute and whining to them about how she's alone in Vegas, and now she has the extra fodder that she called me and I don't even feel sorry for her. How terrible her life must be.

I'm thinking that at some point she and I need to have it out for real or we need to stop being friends. I'm so tired of eating shit every time she decides I'm not important enough for her to pay attention to. And I'm tired of not saying anything because then I'll be the bad guy and she'll wonder why I'm being so mean to her and WaaWaaWaa.


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